How to make up points

Due date: 7 December 2022 at 11:59pm MST

For any of the following homework assignments…

HW 1.2 HW 1.3 HW 2.1 HW 2.2

…if you didn’t get 100%, you can make up half the points you missed by submitted a new submission that is 100%. You have to get 100% for this, if you submit something with 99% it won’t change your score. But if you got N<100% before the deadline and you get exactly 100% now upon resubmission, I’ll split the difference for that homework. Your score will be N + ((100-N)/2). E.g., if you got 50% and now get 100%, you’ll get a 75%.


Every assignment is still an individual assignment. DO NOT share your solution with others or use solutions from others. You may have high-level discussions with your classmates about it, and you may use/share any source code that existed before the assignment was assigned and is not related to any similar assignment or any past offering of CSE 468 or a related class at ASU. You may use any source code I provided for lecture purposes at any time.

How to submit

I’ll post the original submission links in one Piazza post so you can find them easily. Refer to the original homework assignment for specific submission instructions.